Back to the Barre

Here we are at the beginning of a new academic year, still in the middle of a pandemic that we hoped would be past us by now. Reentering the studio post-quarantine, but still in the middle of heavy regulations, comes with some questions about how to get back to the barre safely.

What will the ABA policies look like for COVID-19 precautions?

ABA is remaining compliant with all guidelines put forth by the state of RI to keep our dancers and staff safe, healthy, and dancing! We will be taking temperatures, enforcing social distancing, and cleaning barres and dance spaces between classes. We will have hand sanitizing stations and will encourage frequent hand washing. Click here to read more!

What if I haven’t been able to dance full-out while in quarantine?

Most dancers have been dancing in small spaces for months while taking Zoom classes. Dancing at home means inconsistent flooring, little to no jumping, and maybe a little bit of distraction. When getting back to dancing full-out in the studio it is important to be meticulous with your technique and stay consistent in your work. Building your stamina and endurance back up will take time. Just do your best and be kind to yourself. Everyone is in the same boat!

How can I make the most of Zoom classes?

ABA is offering a Zoom option for all classes this year! If you choose to take virtual classes with us, here are a few tips to make the most of online class. 

  1. Keep yourself focused and limit distractions. A quiet space that you can have all to yourself is great! Siblings, parents, and pets can cause lots of distractions, even if they don’t mean to!

  2. Clear enough space to dance as fully as you can. Check your surroundings for sharp corners and anything you might knock over or break. Keep moms favorite vase safely stored away for class!

  3. Hold yourself accountable! It is easy to get comfy on the couch at home and forget to sign on for class. Set reminders in your phone and get into the routine, just like if you were coming to the studio.  Once you are ready for class, don’t let yourself give into your technique ‘bad habits!’ Take corrections and apply them to every combination, just like you would do in-studio.

I lost a lot of flexibility and strength during quarantine, what are some safe ways to get it all back?

Strength and flexibility go hand-in-hand.  We always advise pairing stretching with conditioning, like in a PBT class! Check out the class schedule here or email to schedule a private lesson tailored to your needs with any of our staff. 

Carolyn Dellinger